Volume 1, Issue 4, July 2014

( ISSN : 2348 – 9510 )

S. No. Name of Research Article (Volume 1, Issue 4, July 2014) Page No.
1. A comparative statistical analysis on the educational system in European countries : An economic perspective
(Author’s: Ramona Birău, Ph.D.; Gabriel Birău, M.Ed.)
2. A comparative XRPD study of Sedimentary Rocks of Pakistan
(Author’s: Dr. Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Prof. Dr. Khadim Hussain)
3. A Review: Effect of Geo-grid reinforcement on soil
(Author’s: Mrs. Neetu B. Ramteke, Prof. Anilkumar Saxena, Prof. T. R. Arora)
4. Measurement And Comparative Analysis Of System(Scintillation Camera)Dead Time Using NEMA And AAPM Protocols
(Author’s: Dr Muhammad Attique Khan Shahid, Prof. Dr. Khadim Hussain, Hussnain Sipra)
5. Foreign Direct Investment in India: A Critical Analysis on FDI
(Author: Dr. Girbal Singh Lodhi)
6. Reliability And Efficient Protocol For Position-Based Routing In Vehicular Ad Hoc Network
(Author: Smita Garg)